Costello Legal Wins Two Jury Trials in One Month

Daniel P. Costello & Associates congratulates two attorneys within the past two weeks who won full defense verdicts for our clients in jury trials in Cook County, a historically plaintiff-friendly venue.

Nicolau v. Mt. Prospect Child Care Center, Inc.

After a five year old girl fell off the monkey bars and broke her arm, her parents sued the day care center in the Cook County Law Division alleging negligent supervision and claiming $64,442.14 in damages. During the jury trial, Plaintiffs presented seven witnesses in their case-in-chief over three and a half days, including a liability expert. The firm received the case just one month prior to trial and Jessica Biagi, an associate at Daniel P. Costello & Associates, LLC, did an outstanding job quickly preparing the matter for trial reviewing thousands of pages of evidence. Within only an hour of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

Jeff Wilson v. Action Towing, Inc. and Roxanne Rorah

The plaintiff, a 50 year old limousine driver, claims he was injured after falling off the back of a flat bed tow truck owned by our client. The Plaintiff claimed the defendant gave him instructions on climbing the truck and failed to warn him of the danger involved. The plaintiff asked for $152,000 in damages including over $37,000 in medical specials. For the defense, Partner James Barrow first won a motion for summary judgment as to counts for res ipsa loquitur, negligent spoilation and intentional spoilation, leaving only negligence counts. During the four day trial, James got the plaintiff to admit he knew what he was doing was dangerous and made it clear to the jury that the defendant bore no fault for the plaintiff’s accident. After deliberating for two hours the jury returned a full defense verdict.Congratulations to both Jessica and James!