Another Trial Win for Costello Legal

Daniel P. Costello & Associates would like to congratulate Senior Associate Jessica Biagi on her second jury trial win in a row, which now makes five jury trial wins in a row for the firm.

Laden v. Evanston Art Center

After the Plaintiff, an 84 year old Tai Chi instructor, fell in the Evanston Art Center's sculpting studio and broke her nose, she filed a premises liability claim in the Cook County Law Division against the Evanston Art Center. The Plaintiff requested $120,000 in damages at the jury trial, which included future surgery. The trial lasted three and a half days and included seven witnesses, including a medical expert. During the trial, Jessica vehemently defended her client, clearly showing the jury how the plaintiff's fall was not the result of any negligence on the part of the defendant Art Center. After only thirty five minutes of deliberation, the jury agreed with Jessica and awarded a full not guilty verdict for the defendant.