Costello Legal's First Trial of 2016 is a Win!

Attorney Jessica Biagi helped to start the firm off on a good note for 2016 by winning the firm's first trial of the year.

Thompson v. Ajax Uniform Rental, Inc.

Thompson marks Jessica Biagi's fourth straight jury trial win in a row! The 89 year-old Plaintiff tripped on a floor mat while leaving a bank, sustaining a C2 fracture as well as a 18cm scalp laceration. Within minutes of jury selection, Plaintiff settled with the bank and property manager and went to trial solely against the floor mat rental company. Plaintiff claimed that Ajax Uniform Rental, Inc., placed a curled mat at the entryway and thereby created a dangerous condition. Plaintiff requested $790,000 at the end of the trial, which included claims related to $90,000 in medical expenses, a two week hospital stay, and permanent neck pain. Ten witnesses testified over four days, including two treating physicians and Plaintiff's trip and fall prevention expert. For the defense, Jessica Biagi from Daniel P. Costello & Associates, LLC, fought zealously to deny fault and prove the defendant's affirmative defense of contributory negligence. Within two hours, the jury returned a complete defense verdict.