Injury at Grocery Results in Full Defense Verdict after High Stakes Jury Trial

2012-L-6134 (Illinois, Cook County)

On December 10, 2012 a Cook County jury found in favor of our client, a national grocery retailer, in a high stakes jury trial. The plaintiff asked the jury for $9.5 million dollars where he had nearly $1 million in paid past medical bills, $2.1 million in wage loss and a claimed $6 million in non-economic damages. The plaintiff would not move off a $5.4 million pre-trial demand, and turned down a joint defense offer of $2 million dollars, with indications for additional settlement. The jury found for our client, and assessed 0% liability. This was a major victory as joint and several liability in Illinois would require payment of medical for any verdict including 1% on liability. The trial team of Dan Costello, James Barrow, and Jessica Biagi tried the case for nearly two weeks, ending in a verdict followed by the Illinois Trial Lawyer’s association.