$148 Million, $95 million, and $33.4 million. These were the verdict amounts for just three cases all rendered in the span of four months in 2017 in Cook County.
What does “Moneyball” mean to Lawyers and Clients?
After just returning from the CLM Annual Conference, where the industry's best and brightest gather, two things that some argue should never be mentioned in the same sentence were once again spoken; "Moneyball", and Lawyers. The idea of “Moneyball” for lawyers is again fresh and topical, and industry leaders are applying a brand of “saber metrics” to counsel. As many know, Moneyball was a highly successful book by Michael Lewis analyzing the use of metrics in baseball. We have talked about this for years, its application to use on Litigation Management and counsel, and what it means to our clients and the industry. The reality is not whether or not to use metrics (that is already well settled; the answer is yes) but rather, what do with them. The real question for our clients is “what is a win?” for them and “what value does counsel bring over replacement counsel?” Here is how I believe our clients and industry leaders will use metrics to differentiate in the future:
1. Outcome— Defining and achieving your goals
2. Risk— Harm avoided
3. Process— How was this achieved and how long did it take.
4. Predictability— How certain are we of cost to achieve outcome
Many attorneys in the litigation arena define the goal as winning at trial or paying nothing to the other-side. However, these goals are generally illusory. First on the civil litigation side 97% of cases are resolved without a trial. Thus, there is little to any benefit measuring success on what is essentially of 3% of your cases. Second paying nothing to the other side means nothing to a client, if you regularly pay your attorney more than it would cost to resolve the case outright. This is especially true if you are doing this over a large volume of say 6,000 cases a year. We suggest that “total case outcome” is measured in dollars, and in sense both in terms of actual indemnity and attorneys fees, as well as counsel's subjective value (sense) and then measuring the deviation from that predicted plan number at the outset of litigation, and again at the conclusion. This number should be within 10% absent some significant new developments in litigation which substantial change.
The second component of value is risk or harm avoided. The key concept from the book "Moneyball" is about VORP, or value over replacement player. Many attorneys assert that there is an inherent risk in not using their firm and that their attorneys bring you value. However, they never define that value properly, or rather base their value solely on trial experience. We show our clients the value of our services which makes the risk of using us versus a 100 other attorneys easy to show. Specifically, we quantify in tailored metrics the cycle time, total case outcome, and total fees as just a few key indicators of value and provide this information back to our clients regularly. We actually then compare this side by side with their existing counsel or industry averages from our proprietary database to show in black and white our value in dollars and "sense" versus our competitors.
This is often overlooked and is a key component of measuring value. In every situation, timeliness, complexity and cost are important considerations. As most legal commentators have stated, “most legal matters are repetitive in some way.” Thus, handling each case according to a defined process and improving on each new matter is paramount to success. This is one of the reasons why cycle time is so important to our clients. Essentially, it is one indicator of how important efficiency is in the process and how we are doing on it.
With most of our insurance clients, their business is run by predictions. Underwriters and actuaries make a living by determining what they can charge, and what they will profit based on risk. The same holds true with litigation. If we can state with certainty the cost of defending a matter to our clients, and agree to the value of legal fees, we have removed uncertainty.Finally, although the industry has recognized that talking metrics is good, clients and counsel need to move talk to implementation and true measurement. The next steps will be implementing VORF (Value Over Replacement Firm) and using this to measure the "batting averages" of firms to determine the industries best players. After all, with baseball or with legal, we only want to reward the best players for the best results. Daniel P. Costello & Associates, LLC specializes in construction litigation, complex litigation, and litigation management.
2013-The Rise of "Big Data", and the Triumph of Effectiveness over Efficiency
By: Dan Costello
It was a balmy 80 degrees, the skies were blue, the air was dry, and the discussions were energized. Although the location was at a resort, I was not on vacation. I was at the CLM Annual Conference where most of the blue sky talk was on business strategy, and the energy came from some of the top executives and attorneys in the corporate, insurance, and legal communities. As I listened to some of the top thought leaders in the country, I was constantly struck with the commonality in their comments. The same thought kept popping into my head . . . "Are we ready for the next big leap?" According to IBM Consulting, over 90% of the world's data has been created in just the last two years. Known as "Big Data" every mouse click, tweet, post, invoice, and settlement for companies is being recorded. What does a company do with all that data? More importantly what value does it provide the business and its partners? These are questions that face large and small organizations alike and ones currently challenging the same thought leaders. In an act of hubris creating a solution to solve these problems, I think that successful organizations will tackle the "value" question only by:
Although its not the first time I have blogged about this, in the era of big data information sharing is paramount. With so much data, more information sharing would seem counter-productive. But, sharing partner specific data is essential. Sharing has been done successfully in corporations, but little has been done on whole to share this externally with litigation partners. In fact, the few leading companies sharing this with their business partners are the minority. Information sharing is not a one way street, as law firm partners should help to "crowd source" or "partner source" difficult information to capture, and provide it back to their clients to help add value. Data on KPIs such as total case outcome, which is reliable, and consistent helps to triangulate and identify problems. This also helps to significantly increase the brain power to collect, analyze and distribute data.
What good is the data if its buried in a warehouse? When a coach is deciding which player to put in at the end of the game, he relies on data. He knows who has the best average, most goals, and best shooting percentage. But guess what, the player also knows his/her stats. All the data in the world is not helpful unless its put in context. If reducing cycle time is beneficial to you and your bottom line, let your partners know of your benchmarks, and where they fall on the spectrum. Is a 30% average good or bad? Well it depends if we are talking about a batting average in baseball, or save percentage in soccer.
Value is created when reward meets opportunity. Only by creating incentives to reach a common goal does value happen. Data lets us know how close we are to success, and drives us forward to get there. By the use of real time dashboards, managers and partners can highlight success, steer business to those at the top of the pyramid, and find more ways to incorporate top performers into their organizations. After all leaders are looking for effective problem solvers, not just those who are efficient on throwing things over the wall. Thomas Edison wisely stated "many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Only by collaborating with visible benchmarks will partners truly succeed and conquer big data.