Trial Over Use (or Misuse) of Gym Equipment

2010-L-6503 (Illinois, Cook County)

While at the gym, the plaintiff was using an abdominal exercise machine and fell, hitting her head on a metal bar at the bottom of the machine. She sued the gym under a premises liability theory alleging that the machine was wobbly, and sued multiple manufacturers under products liability theories making the case that the machine itself was defective. In the middle of discovery, the defense of the gym was transferred to Daniel P Costello & Associates. Attorneys Dan Costello and Jessica Biagi picked up defense of the gym and took the case to trial. Plaintiff attempted to show that the machine was wobbly and negligently installed, and demanded $1.2 million prior to trial. However, Dan and Jessica showed that there were no problems with the installation of the machine and focused on plaintiff’s use of the machine as the cause of the injury. The jury agreed that the gym was not negligent and returned a full verdict for the defense.