Fourth Straight Trial Win for Costello Legal

Fresh off his trial win at the end of March, Costello Legal Associate Charles Spiekerman has just won his second trial in a row. This is now four straight wins for Costello Legal, so congratulations again to Charles, Jessica Biagi, and James Barrow for doing such excellent work on behalf of our clients.

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Yoshua Solomon v. McGaw YMCA

The plaintiff, a 13 year old boy, sued the McGaw YMCA for a fractured wrist he suffered in a wrestling workshop at the YMCA's after-school program. The plaintiff's counsel relied heavily on a letter that the YMCA Program Coordinator sent to the plaintiff's family, apologizing for the injury and suggesting that the program activities would be better structured and supervised in the future. At the close of trial, plaintiff asked for $95,000 for plaintiff's injuries and permanent wrist hardware based upon the YMCA's alleged negligence in supervising and structuring the wrestling activity. Despite the apparent admissions in the apology letter, attorney Charles Spiekerman mounted a vigorous defense of the YMCA over a three-day trial. Charles made it abundantly clear to the jury that qualified YMCA staff were properly supervising a structured wrestling workshop. He repeatedly impeached the two key plaintiff witnesses and showed that the plaintiff’s injury was merely an accident despite their attempts to testify otherwise. After presenting his case, the jury returned a verdict for the defense.