Preschool case revolving around a chair as potential "dangerous condition"

2014-L-78 (Lake County, Illinois)

Plaintiff, a 3 year old, attended our client’s preschool gym, where during the day’s activities her head collided with a chair resulting in a permanent dimple-like marking, but not one that caused her pain or discomfort. Ultimately the case went to trial revolving around the issue of whether the chair plaintiff collided with constituted a “dangerous condition.” Plaintiff made a pre-trial demand of $75,000.

Attorneys Dan Costello and Charles Spiekerman represented the daycare during trial and made it clear that the preschool was a safe and well managed operation, and there was nothing dangerous or unusual about the chair at issue. Despite the plaintiff being a very sympathetic plaintiff, the jury ultimately found there was no negligence and returned a full defense verdict.